MFC 01 Solved Assignment 2024-25 (Folklore and Culture: Conceptual Perspectives). This assignment is valid upto 31st December 2025. The assignment is valid for those students who admitted in July 2024 and January 2025 Admission cycle and who have not been submitted assignment previously or rejected.
MFC 01 Solved Assignment 2024-25
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain the genres belonging to folklore studies. Discuss with suitable examples.
Ans: Coming Soon
2. Examine the interrelationships among ‘tribal’, ‘folk’ and ‘classical’ cultures and discuss some of the problems faced by the strict/rigid definitions of culture.
Ans: Coming Soon
3. What is the subversive potential of folk forms? Discuss in detail– whether they are live performances, literature or oral traditions.
Ans: Coming Soon
4. Define the following:
(A) Language death
Ans: Coming Soon
(B) Sanskritization and Palace Paradigm
Ans: Coming Soon
(C) Folklore studies in Indian and Western context.
Ans: Coming Soon
(D) Conservation and preservation: some legal and ethical issues
Ans: Coming Soon
5. Write short notes on the following:
(A) Women’s protest against patriarchy.
Ans: Coming Soon
(B) Heritage and cultural construct.
Ans: Coming Soon
(C) Archives.
Ans: Coming Soon
(D) Oral and written traditions.
Ans: Coming Soon
In this article, we provide MFC 01 Solved Assignment 2024-25 (Folklore and Culture: Conceptual Perspectives). All the assignment questions are solved and also provide download pdf link which is helpful for direct download the assignment. I hope is assignment is helpful for you to prepared your assignment.
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