
BPSC 103 Solved Assignment – Political Theory – Concepts and Debates

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BPSC 103 Solved Assignment – Political Theory – Concepts and Debates

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BPSC 103 Solved Assignment 2023-24

There are three Sections in the Assignment. You have to answer all questions in the Sections.

Assignment – I

Answer the following in about 500 words each.

1. Examine J.S. Mill’s notion of liberty.

2. Discuss the Neo-Liberal view of liberty.

Assignment – II

Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.

1. Elaborate upon Alienation from human nature.
2. Examine the concept of equality of outcomes.
3. Write a note on equality and the Indian Constitution.

Assignment – III

Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.

1. Need for Social Justice
2. Justice as Fairness
3. Desert and similar concept
4. Human Security and Global Justice
5. Difference between Rights and Entitlements

BPSC 103 Solved Assignment – Political Theory – Concepts and Debates

BPSC 103 Solved Assignment – Political Theory – Concepts and Debates is a comprehensive and well-researched assignment that covers the major concepts and debates in political theory. The assignment is designed to help students understand the key ideas and arguments that have shaped political thought over the centuries.

The assignment is divided into several sections, each of which explores a different aspect of political theory. The first section provides an overview of the major schools of political thought, including liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and feminism. It also examines the key concepts and debates within each of these schools.

The second section focuses on the concepts of justice, equality, and freedom, and explores the different ways in which these concepts have been understood and debated by political theorists throughout history.

The third section examines the relationship between the state and society, including debates about the role of government, the nature of power, and the legitimacy of political authority.

The final section of the assignment examines some of the major contemporary debates in political theory, such as multiculturalism, globalization, and environmentalism.

Overall, BPSC 103 Solved Assignment – Political Theory – Concepts and Debates is an essential resource for students of political theory who want to deepen their understanding of the major concepts and debates in the field. It provides a solid foundation for further study and reflection, and is an invaluable tool for anyone interested in the study of politics and society.

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BPSC 103 Solved Assignment - Political Theory – Concepts and Debates
BPSC 103 Solved Assignment – Political Theory – Concepts and Debates
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