BEGLA 135 Solved Assignment 2023-24: Free PDF Download

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English in Daily Life



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English in Daily Life



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BEGLA 135 Solved Assignment 2023-24 (English in Daily Life) All the questions are solved in this article. Read this article and make an assignment for your course if you have BEGLA 135 (English in Daily Life). If you need its solved assignment pdf download links are below to download BEGLA 135: English in Daily Life Solved Assignment

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BEGLA 135 Solved Assignment 2023-24


1. Define the following terms

a. Telegram

Ans: Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging app and communication platform that enables users to send text messages, voice messages, and multimedia files, and conduct voice and video calls. It was developed by the Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai. Telegram distinguishes itself through its focus on privacy and security, utilizing end-to-end encryption for secret chats to ensure the confidentiality of user communications.

One notable feature of Telegram is its support for large group chats, and channels, and the ability to share files up to 2 GB in size. Additionally, Telegram has a “Bot” platform that allows developers to create automated services, interactive games, and other applications within the Telegram interface.

Telegram gained popularity for its commitment to user privacy, open API (Application Programming Interface), and cross-platform functionality, making it available on various devices and operating systems.

b. Blogs

Ans: A blog, short for “weblog,” is an online platform or website that presents informational or conversational content in a chronological format. Typically, a blog is maintained by an individual, a group, or a company and is regularly updated with new entries known as “posts.” These posts are often written in an informal, conversational style and can cover a wide range of topics, including personal experiences, opinions, news, reviews, and tutorials.

Blogs allow authors, known as bloggers, to share their thoughts and expertise with a global audience. Readers can usually engage with the content by leaving comments, and blogs often include features such as archives, categories, and tags to help organize and navigate the content. Over time, blogging has evolved, and various platforms and tools have emerged to make it easier for individuals to create and maintain their blogs, contributing to the diverse and dynamic nature of online content.

2. Write antonyms of the following words

a. Admire

Ans: The antonyms of “admire” include:

  1. Disapprove
  2. Despise
  3. Detest
  4. Loathe
  5. Deplore
  6. Criticize
  7. Abhor
  8. Scorn
  9. Reject
  10. Contemn

b. Cowardice

Ans: The antonym of “cowardice” is “bravery” or “courage.”

c. Crooked

Ans: The antonym of “crooked” is “straight” or “straightforward.”

d. Abound

Ans: The antonym of “abound” is “dwindle” or “deplete.”

3. Write the meanings of the given idioms and use them in sentences of your own.

a. Beat around the bush

Ans: Meaning:

“Beat around the bush” is an idiomatic expression that means to avoid addressing a topic directly, to speak vaguely or evasively, or to procrastinate without getting to the main point of a conversation.

Example sentences:

1. Instead of answering the question, the politician continued to beat around the bush, talking about unrelated issues.

2. Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you really think about the proposal.

3. During the meeting, the manager didn’t want to admit the project’s challenges, so he kept beating around the bush about the upcoming deadlines.

4. I asked her about the missing files, but she just beat around the bush and didn’t provide a clear explanation.

5. The detective grew frustrated as the witness continued to beat around the bush instead of providing crucial information about the crime scene.

b. Cut corners

Ans: Cut Corners:


To “cut corners” is an idiomatic expression that means to take shortcuts or use less effort in order to save time or money. It often implies compromising on quality or ignoring proper procedures to achieve a goal more quickly or inexpensively.

Example Sentences:

1. Despite the tight deadline, it’s essential not to cut corners when developing the software to ensure it meets quality standards.

2. The construction project ran behind schedule, and the builders decided to cut corners by using cheaper materials, leading to numerous structural issues.

3. In an attempt to finish the race faster, the cyclist decided to cut corners on the last lap, risking disqualification for not following the designated route.

Using “cut corners” generally conveys a negative connotation, as it suggests a lack of thoroughness or adherence to proper procedures.

c. Up in arms

Ans: Up in arms:

Meaning: This idiom signifies being very angry, agitated, or ready to fight or protest about something.

Example sentences:

1. When the news of the environmental degradation reached the local community, they were up in arms, demanding immediate action from the authorities.

2. The controversial decision by the government to cut public funding for education had parents and teachers up in arms, leading to widespread demonstrations across the city.

3. The employees were up in arms when they learned about the sudden changes to their healthcare benefits without any prior notice.

In these examples, the phrase “up in arms” is used to convey a sense of strong, passionate, and often collective reaction to a perceived injustice or unfavorable situation.

d. Get your act together

Ans: Idiom: Get your act together


To “get your act together” means to organize yourself, improve your behavior, or make the necessary changes to be more effective and competent. It implies taking control of one’s actions, responsibilities, or life in general.

Example Sentences:

1. After failing the first two exams, Sarah decided it was time to get her act together and start studying more diligently.

2. The team’s performance was lacking, so the coach had a meeting to motivate everyone to get their act together before the crucial match.

3. I’ve been procrastinating on my work lately, but I need to get my act together if I want to meet the deadline.

4. It’s essential to get your act together when facing a challenging situation rather than panicking.

5. After a period of chaos in the office, the manager called a staff meeting to ensure everyone understood the need to get their act together for the upcoming project.

4. Use the correct form of the verb given in the bracket

a. I _(has, had) a math test yesterday.

Ans: I had a math test yesterday.

b. I_(will go, will went) to the store later.

Ans: I will go to the store later.

c. I had already_(fallen, fall) asleep when my alarm went off.

Ans: I had already fallen asleep when my alarm went off.

d. I_(are reading, am reading)a newspaper.

Ans: I am reading a newspaper.

5. Complete the following sentences by using appropriate subordinate clauses

a. I don’t know_.

b. The child needed help__________.

c. __she was not able to find a good job.

d. She said___.

a. I don’t know why he didn’t show up.

b. The child needed help because he was unable to tie his shoelaces.

c. Although she had a degree, she was not able to find a good job.

d. She said that she would be attending the conference next week.


Answer the following questions in about 150 words each.

1. How to begin and end conversation appropriately?

Ans: Beginning and ending conversations appropriately is crucial for effective communication and positive social interactions.

To initiate a conversation, start with a friendly greeting or a relevant opening remark. This helps set a positive tone and makes others feel welcomed. Begin with a simple “hello,” a warm smile, or a comment related to the situation or context. Pay attention to non-verbal cues, such as body language, to gauge the other person’s receptiveness.

As the conversation progresses, actively listen to the other person, ask open-ended questions, and contribute meaningfully to the discussion. Be mindful of the topic and context, ensuring your contributions are relevant and respectful.

When concluding a conversation, signal your intent to leave or wrap up the discussion. Express appreciation for the interaction, whether through a simple “It was nice talking to you” or a more specific acknowledgment of the conversation’s value. If appropriate, indicate a future connection or express your interest in continuing the conversation at another time.

Remember to be aware of the other person’s cues, as they may signal the natural end of the conversation. Avoid abrupt departures and provide a clear closing, such as “It was a pleasure chatting with you. Have a great day!” This leaves a positive impression and fosters goodwill for future interactions. Overall, the key is to balance friendliness, respect, and attentiveness throughout the conversation’s duration, creating a positive experience for all involved.

2. Write a newspaper report for a local daily pointing to sudden rise in pollution in your area.


Alarming Surge in Pollution Levels Raises Concerns in Local Community

Residents Urged to Take Immediate Action as Pollution Index Peaks

Jammu, 15-11-2023 – In a troubling development, Jammu has witnessed a sudden and significant rise in pollution levels, causing growing concern among residents and environmentalists alike. The pollution index, which is monitored regularly, has surged to unprecedented levels, indicating potential health and environmental risks.

Air quality in the region has deteriorated rapidly, with pollutants such as particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide exceeding permissible limits. The sudden spike is attributed to a combination of factors, including increased vehicular emissions, industrial activities, and unfavorable weather conditions that trap pollutants in the atmosphere.

Local authorities are urging residents to take immediate precautions to safeguard their health. Health advisories have been issued, recommending the use of masks outdoors and advising vulnerable groups, such as children and the elderly, to limit outdoor activities. Additionally, residents are encouraged to use public transportation, carpool, and adopt eco-friendly practices to mitigate the impact on air quality.

Environmental agencies and community groups are collaborating on awareness campaigns to educate residents about the sources of pollution and the collective responsibility to address this issue. Calls for stricter regulations on industrial emissions and enhanced green initiatives have gained momentum as the community rallies for a cleaner and healthier environment.

Authorities are actively working on implementing short-term and long-term measures to curb pollution levels. The cooperation of residents is crucial in ensuring a sustainable and healthier future for Jammu. As the community comes together, there is optimism that concerted efforts will lead to a noticeable improvement in air quality in the coming weeks.

3. Write a letter to your friend explaining her the importance of discipline in life.


Dear Kewal,

I hope this letter finds you well. I’ve been reflecting on something lately that I wanted to share with you – the importance of discipline in our lives.

Discipline is like the guiding force that shapes our actions and decisions. It’s not about restrictions; rather, it provides a structure that allows us to navigate through life more effectively. Just as a ship needs a rudder to stay on course, discipline helps us stay focused on our goals. It is the key to achieving success and maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.

In our daily routines, discipline brings consistency. It helps us establish good habits and break free from the shackles of procrastination. When we embrace discipline, we cultivate time management skills, enabling us to allocate time wisely to our studies, work, relationships, and personal growth.

Moreover, discipline instills a sense of responsibility and accountability. It empowers us to make choices that align with our long-term objectives rather than succumbing to momentary impulses. This, in turn, contributes to personal development and character building.

I’ve found that discipline not only enhances productivity but also brings peace of mind. Knowing that I am working towards my aspirations with a focused and disciplined approach gives me a sense of purpose and achievement.

I encourage you to explore the positive impact of discipline in your own life. Small steps can lead to significant changes. Let’s embark on this journey together, supporting each other in cultivating discipline for a brighter and more successful future.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Warm regards,

Sanjeet Singh

4. Construct a dialogue between two students discussing their plans for holidays.


Balbir: Hey, Jake! The holidays are just around the corner. Any exciting plans?

Kewal: Hey, Amy! Absolutely, I can’t wait. I’m thinking of going on a road trip with some friends. We’ve been planning it for ages.

Balbir: That sounds amazing! Any particular destination in mind?

Kewal: Yeah, we’re thinking of heading to the mountains. A cozy cabin, some hiking, and just escaping the city chaos.

Balbir: Nice choice! I’m torn between visiting family and taking a short course in photography. I’ve always wanted to enhance my skills.

Kewal: That sounds cool! Family time is important, and photography classes sound like a fantastic way to spend the break productively.

Balbir: I think so too. Plus, it might come in handy. Who knows, maybe I’ll capture some stunning moments during the holidays!

Kewal: Definitely! It’s great to balance relaxation with personal growth. I’m sure you’ll nail those photography skills.

Balbir: Thanks, Jake! What about you? Any specific goals for the trip?

Kewal Just to unwind, recharge, and create some unforgettable memories. Let’s catch up after the holidays and share our experiences!

Balbir: Absolutely, Jake! Wishing you an incredible holiday filled with adventure and relaxation.Top of Form

5. Write 7/8 diary entries for the most thrilling day of your life till date.


Diary Entries: The Most Thrilling Day of My Life

Entry 1: Morning Excitement Dear Diary, Today is the day! I woke up with a flutter of excitement. The anticipation of something extraordinary hangs in the air, and I can’t wait to discover what the day holds.

Entry 2: Surprising News Diary, I received a surprising call this morning – I’ve won a contest! It’s unbelievable; my heart is still racing. The prize includes an adventure-filled day that promises to be the most thrilling experience of my life.

Entry 3: Meeting the Team Dear Diary, Met the incredible team organizing the day’s events. They briefed me on the activities lined up, and I can hardly contain my enthusiasm. From adrenaline-pumping challenges to moments of sheer joy, it sounds like a day to remember.

Entry 4: The Adventure Begins Diary, The adventure started with a bang! Zip-lining through treetops and conquering a high ropes course were just the beginning. My adrenaline is through the roof, and I can’t stop smiling.

Entry 5: Unbelievable Views Dear Diary, Midday brought breathtaking scenery. We hiked to a stunning viewpoint, and the panorama took my breath away. It’s amazing how nature can add an extra layer of magic to an already thrilling day.

Entry 6: Unexpected Twist Diary, A surprise twist – a hot air balloon ride! Floating above the landscape, I felt a mix of exhilaration and peace. The world below looked like a patchwork quilt, and for a moment, time stood still.

Entry 7: Evening Glow Dear Diary, As the day draws to a close, the sunset paints the sky in hues of orange and pink. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions, challenges, and joy. Grateful beyond words for this incredible experience.

Entry 8: Reflections Diary, As I pen down the final entry for the day, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude. Today has been a tapestry of thrills, surprises, and beauty. A day etched in my memory as the most thrilling, and perhaps, the most beautiful day of my life.


Answer the following] questions in about 200-250 words each.

1. Describe a new market area that you visited recently. You can describe in terms of its location, infrastructure, it’s comparison with other similar places etc.

Ans: Recently, I had the opportunity to explore a new market area, situated in the heart of the city. This bustling market, named “Central Square Marketplace,” is strategically located, easily accessible from major transportation hubs, and surrounded by a mix of residential and commercial areas.

The infrastructure of Central Square Marketplace is modern and well-designed. The market boasts a variety of shops, from boutique stores to multinational brands, creating a diverse shopping experience. The architecture is contemporary, with open spaces and pedestrian-friendly zones that enhance the overall ambiance. The incorporation of green spaces and seating areas adds a touch of tranquility amid the urban hustle.

In comparison to other markets in the vicinity, Central Square stands out for its emphasis on curated experiences. The market hosts regular events such as live music performances, food festivals, and pop-up markets, creating a vibrant atmosphere that distinguishes it from its counterparts. Additionally, the variety of dining options, ranging from trendy cafes to gourmet restaurants, contributes to the market’s allure as a social and culinary hub.

The market’s strategic location, modern infrastructure, and unique character make it a favorite among locals and visitors alike. Its success lies in offering more than just shopping; it provides an immersive and enjoyable destination, setting it apart in the diverse landscape of the city’s marketplaces.

2. Write an essay on Gender Sensitization.


Gender Sensitization: Fostering Equality and Respect

Gender sensitization is a crucial step towards building a society that values and respects individuals irrespective of their gender. It involves creating awareness, understanding, and sensitivity about the roles, rights, and responsibilities of men and women in society. This process aims to break down stereotypical beliefs and prejudices, promoting a more inclusive and equitable environment.

Firstly, gender sensitization seeks to dismantle traditional gender norms that often confine individuals to predefined roles based on their gender. It challenges the notion that certain professions, behaviors, or attributes are inherently masculine or feminine, encouraging a more fluid and diverse understanding of gender expression.

Education plays a pivotal role in gender sensitization. Schools, colleges, and workplaces are spaces where attitudes and behaviors can be shaped. Introducing gender studies, fostering open discussions, and integrating diverse perspectives into the curriculum contribute to nurturing a generation that is aware of and challenges gender-based stereotypes.

Beyond education, media and popular culture also play a significant role in shaping societal attitudes. Gender-sensitive portrayals in media can break down harmful stereotypes and create positive role models. By showcasing a diversity of experiences and perspectives, media can contribute to a more nuanced understanding of gender.

Gender sensitization is not just about addressing issues faced by women; it is about creating an environment that recognizes the dignity and equality of all individuals, regardless of their gender identity. It promotes empathy, understanding, and respect, fostering a society where everyone can thrive, unrestricted by the limitations of gender-based expectations. In building a gender-sensitive society, we pave the way for a more just and inclusive future.


In this article, we provide BEGLA 135 Solved Assignment 2023-24 (English in Daily Life). I hope this article is helpful for you to make your assignment and prepare for the examination. If you have any questions regarding this article or any other question related to IGNOU, ask in the comment box below. We try to reply as soon as possible.



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