BEGLA 135 Solved Assignment 2024-25: Free PDF Download

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BEGLA 135 Solved Assignment 2024-25 (ENGLISH IN DAILY LIFE). This assignment is valid up to 31st December 2025. The Assignment is valid for those students who take admission or Re-registration in July 2024 and January 2025.

On the other side, those who have not submitted assignments or rejected them previously. They also can do this.

BEGLA 135 Solved Assignment 2024-25

This assignment contains 3 sections. All sections are compulsory.


Write short notes on the following:-

1. Etiquette

Ans: Etiquette refers to the customary code of polite behavior in society or a particular group. It encompasses a wide range of social norms, manners, and expectations that govern interactions and communication between individuals.

Etiquette plays a crucial role in promoting harmony, respect, and professionalism in various social settings, including personal, professional, and cultural contexts.

It includes aspects such as greetings, table manners, dress codes, communication styles, and respect for personal space. Adhering to etiquette demonstrates consideration for others, enhances social interactions, and contributes to building positive relationships.

2. Social Small Talk

Ans: Social small talk refers to casual conversations that are light-hearted, often used to break the ice or maintain social interactions. It typically involves topics like the weather, current events, hobbies, or shared experiences.

Small talk serves various purposes, such as creating a comfortable atmosphere, building rapport, and showing interest in others’ lives. While it may seem trivial, small talk plays a significant role in social interactions by facilitating connections, conveying friendliness, and opening doors for deeper conversations.

3. Body Language

Ans: Body language refers to the non-verbal signals and cues that we use to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. These signals are often subconscious and can convey a lot of information about a person’s state of mind or intentions. Here are some key points about body language:

  1. Types of Body Language: Body language can include gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, posture, tone of voice, and even the distance between individuals (proxemics).
  2. Communication: Body language plays a crucial role in communication, sometimes even more than verbal language. It can complement, emphasize, contradict, or replace verbal messages.
  3. Emotions: Facial expressions and body movements can reveal emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, or surprise. These expressions are often universal across cultures.
  4. Confidence and Power: Open and expansive body language, such as standing tall, making eye contact, and using gestures confidently, can convey confidence and authority. Conversely, closed or defensive postures may indicate insecurity or discomfort.
  5. Cultural Differences: While some aspects of body language are universal, others can vary significantly across cultures. It’s essential to be aware of cultural differences to avoid misinterpretation or misunderstandings.
  6. Listening and Engagement: Active listening involves not just hearing words but also paying attention to the speaker’s body language. It can indicate interest, agreement, disagreement, or boredom.
  7. Adaptability: Being mindful of your own body language and understanding its impact can help in adjusting your approach in different situations, such as in meetings, interviews, or social gatherings.

Overall, body language is a powerful form of communication that complements verbal messages and enhances understanding in various interpersonal interactions.

4. Facebook

Ans: Facebook is a social networking platform founded by Mark Zuckerberg and his college roommates in 2004. It quickly became one of the most popular social media platforms globally, connecting people, businesses, and organizations. Users can create profiles, share posts, photos, videos, and links, and interact with others through likes, comments, and messages.

Facebook has evolved beyond personal connections to include features like business pages, groups, events, and marketplace for buying and selling. It has also faced scrutiny over privacy concerns, misinformation, and its impact on society.

Overall, Facebook has significantly influenced online social interactions, communication, and digital marketing strategies, making it a prominent player in the digital landscape.

5. Twitter

Ans: Twitter is a social media platform known for its real-time microblogging and social networking features. Users can post tweets, which are short messages of up to 280 characters, including text, links, images, and videos. These tweets can be liked, retweeted, and replied to, fostering engagement and interaction among users.

Twitter is widely used by individuals, businesses, organizations, and celebrities to share updates, news, opinions, and trends. Its hashtag feature allows users to categorize content and participate in discussions on specific topics.

With its global reach and influence, Twitter has become a significant platform for communication, marketing, and social discourse.


Answer the following questions in about 150 words each.

1. Write a newspaper report for a local daily pointing to sudden rise in theft cases in your area.

Ans: In a concerning development, the residents of [Your Area Name] have witnessed a sharp increase in theft incidents over the past few weeks. Local authorities are scrambling to address the rising concerns of the community as cases of burglary, vehicle theft, and petty theft have surged significantly.

According to official reports from the [Your City/Region] Police Department, there has been a 40% rise in reported theft cases compared to the same period last year. Residents have expressed deep concerns over the safety of their homes and properties, with many highlighting the brazenness of these thefts happening even during daytime hours.

Ms. [Name], a long-time resident of [Your Area], shared her harrowing experience of returning home to find her house ransacked and valuables stolen. “It’s frightening to see such audacious acts happening right in our neighborhood,” she said.

Local law enforcement agencies have assured residents of increased patrols and surveillance measures to curb these criminal activities. Community awareness campaigns and neighborhood watch programs are also being promoted to enhance vigilance and cooperation among residents.

As investigations into these incidents continue, authorities urge citizens to report any suspicious activities immediately to help combat the rising tide of theft in the area.

2. Write a letter to your friend congratulating her on her success in examinations.


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]

Dear [Friend’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in great spirits. I wanted to extend my heartfelt congratulations on your outstanding success in the recent examinations. It’s truly a testament to your hard work, dedication, and intelligence.

Your achievement not only reflects your academic prowess but also your perseverance and determination to excel. I am incredibly proud of you and know that this success is just the beginning of many more great accomplishments to come.

Your commitment to your studies and your ability to overcome challenges with grace and determination are truly inspiring. I have no doubt that you will continue to shine brightly in all your future endeavors.

Please accept my best wishes for your continued success and happiness. I look forward to celebrating with you soon and hearing about your exciting plans for the future.

Once again, congratulations on this well-deserved achievement!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

3. Write a dialogue between two students discussing the importance of online education.

Ans: Student 1: Hey, have you noticed how much online education has grown recently?

Student 2: Absolutely! It’s become a game-changer, especially with all the flexibility it offers.

Student 1: I agree. Being able to access lectures and study materials from anywhere is so convenient.

Student 2: Plus, it’s opened up opportunities for people who couldn’t attend traditional classes due to various reasons.

Student 1: Definitely. And the range of courses available online is impressive. You can learn practically anything!

Student 2: It’s also great for self-paced learning. You can go back to concepts, pause, rewind – it’s like having a personalized classroom.

Student 1: And let’s not forget the cost savings. No commuting expenses, no need for physical textbooks – it’s more economical too.

Student 2: True. But there are challenges too, like staying motivated and managing time effectively without a fixed schedule.

Student 1: That’s a valid point. But overall, I think online education’s benefits outweigh the challenges. It’s making learning accessible to everyone.

Student 2: Absolutely. It’s revolutionizing education, and I’m glad we’re part of this digital learning era.

Student 1: Me too. It’s exciting to see how far it’ll go and how it’ll continue to evolve in the future.

4. Write diary entries on the most memorable day spent till date.


Diary Entry: The Most Memorable Day

Date: [Date of the Memorable Day]

Today has been the most unforgettable day of my life so far. It started with a sense of anticipation and excitement as I embarked on a road trip with my closest friends. The weather was perfect, with clear skies and a gentle breeze that added to the joy of the journey.

We drove to [Destination Name], a picturesque town nestled in the mountains. The scenic beauty around us was breathtaking, and every turn revealed a new enchanting landscape. We stopped at a quaint café overlooking a valley, where we savored delicious food and shared endless laughter.

The highlight of the day was our hike to [Mountain Peak Name]. The trail was challenging yet rewarding, offering stunning panoramic views at every elevation gain. As we reached the summit, a sense of accomplishment and awe filled our hearts. The beauty of nature unfolded before us in all its glory.

We spent hours at the peak, soaking in the beauty, taking pictures, and relishing the camaraderie of friendship. The sunset painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, creating a magical ambiance.

As I reflect on this day in my diary, I’m filled with gratitude for the moments of joy, friendship, and adventure that made it truly unforgettable.

5. Write a descriptive passage about any person you know.


One of the most remarkable individuals I know is my grandmother, whom we affectionately call Nani. She embodies grace, resilience, and wisdom in every aspect of her being. With her silver hair neatly tied in a bun and a warm smile that lights up her face, Nani exudes a timeless elegance.

Her eyes, twinkling with a lifetime of experiences, hold a wealth of knowledge and kindness. Her wrinkled hands tell stories of hard work, love, and nurturing. Despite the passage of years, her spirit remains vibrant and youthful, radiating positivity and strength.

Nani’s presence is comforting, like a soothing balm to the soul. Her voice carries the melodies of old folk songs and tales of bygone eras, captivating listeners with her storytelling prowess. Her laughter, hearty and contagious, fills the room with joy and warmth.

She is a pillar of strength for our family, offering sage advice and unwavering support in times of need. Her resilience in facing life’s challenges inspires us all to persevere with courage and grace.

In the quiet moments spent with Nani, listening to her tales of yesteryears or simply enjoying her company, one can’t help but feel blessed to have known such a remarkable person. She is not just my grandmother; she is a beacon of love, wisdom, and resilience that guides us through life’s journey.


Answer the following questions in about 200-250 words each.

1. Describe a new place that you visited recently. You can describe it in terms of its location, infrastructure, its comparisons with other similar places etc.


Recently, I had the opportunity to visit a charming coastal town named “Seabreeze Cove,” which left a lasting impression with its unique blend of natural beauty and modern amenities. Located along the pristine shores of the Pacific Ocean, Seabreeze Cove is nestled between rugged cliffs and lush greenery, creating a picturesque setting that is both tranquil and invigorating.

The town’s infrastructure is impressive, with well-planned roads winding through the landscape, providing easy access to various attractions. The main street is lined with boutique shops, cozy cafes, and seafood restaurants, each exuding its own distinct charm. The architecture is a mix of traditional coastal cottages and contemporary beachfront villas, adding to the town’s allure.

One aspect that sets Seabreeze Cove apart from other coastal destinations is its emphasis on eco-friendly practices. Solar panels adorn many rooftops, and recycling bins are prominently placed throughout the town, reflecting a commitment to sustainability.

Compared to similar coastal towns I’ve visited, Seabreeze Cove stands out for its pristine beaches. The soft golden sands stretch for miles, perfect for leisurely strolls or sunbathing. The crystal-clear waters invite visitors to swim, surf, or indulge in water sports, making it a haven for beach enthusiasts.

One highlight of my trip was exploring the nearby nature reserves and hiking trails. The coastal cliffs offer breathtaking views of the ocean, and the dense forests teem with diverse wildlife, including seabirds and deer. It’s a paradise for nature lovers and photographers alike.

What struck me most about Seabreeze Cove was its sense of community. Despite being a popular tourist destination, the locals maintain a warm and welcoming atmosphere, eager to share their love for the town with visitors.

Overall, my experience in Seabreeze Cove was nothing short of enchanting. Its scenic beauty, sustainable practices, and vibrant community make it a standout destination worth revisiting.

2. Write an essay on public services. Choose one of the public services which you think is very useful to the public.


Public services play a crucial role in society, providing essential facilities and assistance to the public. Among the various public services available, one that stands out as exceptionally useful is public transportation.

Public transportation, such as buses, trains, trams, and subways, plays a vital role in connecting communities, facilitating mobility, and reducing environmental impact. It serves as a lifeline for many individuals who rely on it for daily commutes, accessing essential services, and exploring new opportunities.

One of the primary benefits of public transportation is its affordability and accessibility. Compared to private vehicles, which incur costs like fuel, maintenance, and parking fees, public transport offers a cost-effective alternative. This affordability ensures that people from diverse socio-economic backgrounds can access transportation services without financial strain.

Moreover, public transportation promotes sustainability by reducing traffic congestion and lowering carbon emissions. By encouraging people to use buses and trains instead of individual cars, it helps mitigate environmental pollution and contributes to a greener planet. Additionally, advancements in public transport technology, such as electric buses and trains, further enhance its eco-friendly profile.

Public transportation also fosters social inclusion by providing mobility options for seniors, persons with disabilities, and those without access to private vehicles. It ensures that everyone can participate in community activities, access healthcare services, and engage in economic opportunities, regardless of their transportation limitations.

Furthermore, public transport networks are often integrated with urban planning initiatives, promoting compact, walkable communities and reducing sprawl. This integration enhances the overall livability of cities, improving residents’ quality of life and supporting economic development.


In this article, we provide BEGLA 135 solved assignment 2024-2025 (ENGLISH IN DAILY LIFE). All the assignment questions are solved and provide solution in this blog. I hope this post is helpful for preparing your assignment.

If you have any question regarding this assignment, leave a comment below and we try to reply as soon as possible.

Happy Learning


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