
BPY 001 Solved Assignment – Indian Philosophy- I

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BPY 001 Solved Assignment – Indian Philosophy- I

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BPY 001 Solved Assignment 2023-24 – Indian Philosophy- I

1. Write an essay on the problem of sat and asat in vaidik (Veda and Upanishads) philosophy.


What is the meaning of Tajjalan? Figure out some philosophical implications of Tajjalaniti.

2. Do you think that unity in diversity is the central idea of Upanishads? Support your answer with suitable arguments.


Explain and evaluate Buddhist idea of pratityasamutpada.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 200 words each.

a) Discuss the idea of “tattvamasi.”

b) How does vaidik philosophy describe Rta as a cosmological and moral principle?

c) Evaluate anekantavada.

d) How does Charvaka refute inference? Evaluate Charvaka’s arguments against inference.

4. Answer any four of the following four questions in about 150 words each.

a) Write short note on vaidik gods.

b) Write short essay on the subject matter of Atharveda

c) Differentiate Epistemological approaches of Vaibhashika and Sautantrika School of Buddhism.

d) Write an essay on Philosophical insights of Chhandogya Upanishad.

e) Write an essay on four noble truth.

f) Discuss the concept of Bliss as depicted in Taittiriya Upanishad.

5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each.

a) Samatva Manobhava (equanimity of mind)

b) Aranyaka

c) Samhita

d) Hiranyagarbha

e) Para Vidya

f) Shunyavada

g) Kashanbhangavada

h) Pudgala in Jain Philosophy


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